Tuesday, May 7, 2024

How to participate in our Tirumala Padayatra Pilgrimage

In recent times we’ve been receiving numerous enquiries about joining our Tirumala Padayatra and they want to know how, when, where to approach for the details.

As an introduction, this 'Tirumala Padayatra' is a once a year, annual event of padayatra pilgrimage to Lord Venkateshwara Temple, Tirumala from Chennai.

Started in 1988 by our pioneers with around 10 members, and immediately joined by us from 1989, this Padayatra is being successfully conducted and completed for the past 35 years consecutively.

Registered as a trust under the name of 'Tirumala Tirupathi Padayatra (ALF) Trust' in 2017, we function as a non-profit entity, solely involving in the activity of organizing Padayatra pilgrimage to Tirumala once every year.

Padayatra Route

Tirumala Padayatra Details

  • Every year our 'Tirumala Padayatra Pilgrimage' will be held in the last quadrant of the year, mostly in the Tamil Calendar month of Karthigai or Margazhi (December) unless and otherwise it is rescheduled and announced well in advanced.
  • The Padayatra dates (start date & darshan date) will be officially announced in the Tamil Calendar month of Aadi (July-August) through our official WhatsApp Group and in this Blog. 
Inclusion to Padayatra Pilgrimage Group
  • If you are interested to join our 'Tirumala Padayatra Pilgrimage', we request you to keep checking our Blog Page for the announcement of the Padayatra date.
  • Immediately after the announcement of the date, you can send an email to our official email address emailttpt@gmail.com mentioning your interest to participate, along with details such as
    • Age
    • Location
    • Occupation
    • if you had participated previously in any padayatra or similar endurance event
    • how you have came to know about us
  • It would be better if you can send the email immediately after the announcement of Padayatra dates, so that you can book the darshan & accommodation tickets in a timely manner as and when it opens.
  • We will reply back within 3 working days with further instructions about contact & communication details
  • Please make it as habit and obligatory, to reply and acknowledge, all general and specific communications received by you with respect to this padayatra from the Organizers or Admin Team through our official WhatsApp or email.
Ticket Booking Process
  • Once you are included in our official WhatsApp group, you will start receiving all communications regarding the forth coming Padayatra.
  • As soon as we come to know about the Booking Opening Date of TTD for darshan and accommodation, we will inform in the WhatsApp group and Blog. We will also post reminders about booking opening as the date comes nearer.
  • If you are new to Tirumala Ticket Booking process, we advice you to visit Official TTD site well in advance, for the booking details on darshan / seva and accommodation.
  • On the booking opening date, participants can book the tickets to the mentioned seva or any other darshan according to their convenience. But make sure darshan tickets are being booked on the booking opening dates without fail.
  • Please note, tickets will get sold out / exhausted within few hours of opening for that particular date. If you have any doubts about booking tickets or if you are new to Tirumala altogether, please get in touch with us organizers, well in advance, so that we will guide you. Since everyone will be busy booking tickets on the booking opening dates, you may not be able to reach us on that day.

Preparation for Padayatra
  • As you would have read in the blog, approximately we will be covering 35 to 42 KM by walk each day during our padayatra. 
  • Around 10 to 12 KM will be covered between each break points.
  • Though the timing or speed you walk will not be a constraint, it would be better if you can cover around 4+ km per hour so that you can reach all break points in a timely manner and that will give you more time to take rests at the break points.
  • There will be at least 2 to 3 months of time in between the announcement (of padayatra date) and the pilgrimage. New comers or even for existing participants, if you do not have a habit of walking or any similar endurance activity, we strongly advice to walk daily 8 to 10 KM to make yourself physically prepared for the padayatra.
  • You can do the walking on all days or selective few days of the week or start with smaller distance and increase it till you meet your targeted time and distance.
  • Also please remember, this padayatra is a taxing activity and may not be easy, at least at the beginning. There will be fatigue, strain and pain but its all bearable. But do not not worry, we have seen participants from age group of 15 to 70, every one of them had completed the padayatra and reached the Tirumala and had the darshan of Lord Venkateshwara.
  • And of course, more than physical strength, this needs will power and dedication which will definitely help you in completing the padayatra successfully.
  • Apart from physical preparation, also please read and follow the 'Padayatra Checklist' which will help you to get ready for this pilgrimage.
  • Do not go on a shopping spree at the last moment, buy necessary things leisurely well in advance, whenever you have time.