Friday, October 6, 2023

Year 2023 - Scout Trip for Tirupathi Padayathra

In view of our forthcoming Padayatra in December, we organizers, went on the scout trip on this Monday, 02 October 2023 for finalizing, confirming and making the advance payment for our break and overnight stay locations. 

We started around 6:30 AM from Chennai and traveled though our entire route up to Alamelumangapuram (Tiruchanur) and returned after making the necessary arrangements. 

Since there was no changes in our break & stay locations this year, we went to our regular places and visited the landlords / caretakers, confirmed our padayatra dates and paid our booking advances.

From our starting point

Reached day-1 lunch location, Sri Govinda Bhavanam, Kannigaiper but unfortunately the caretaker was not available there hence we called their main trust office and confirmed our dates with them and made our booking.

At Jessy Mahal, Latchivakkam which is our day-1 night stay location, we met the landlord and made our booking. Initially he informed us a steep increase on the charges but after some negotiation we were able to reach an agreeable charge for our night stay.

At the Sai Baba Temple property, Nagalapuram which is our day-2 breakfast location, we confirmed our dates with the caretaker who happens to be the priest of the temple.

At the Sivan temple, Pitchatoor, our day-2 lunch location, we confirmed our dates with the caretaker and paid the advance.

Reached the marriage choultry at Palamangalam village which is our day-2 Night stay location and paid the advance amount with the landlord. 

At Karthik Marriage Hall, Puttur By-pass end which is our day-3 breakfast location, we called and checked with the landlord on his availability whereas he asked us to come to another nearby location. We went there & met with him and confirmed on our dates and gave the advance. 

At Appalayagunta, we went to our day-3 lunch location, Sri Vaibava Lakshmi Marriage Hall, opposite to temple side entrance. Unfortunately the landlord was not available at the time we went there and we so we made our confirmation & booking over the phone.

We reached Tiruchanur, our last location, day-3 night stay place. Here we thought of changing from our usual location and find a more comfortable place. Being a holiday, the entire town was completely crowded and no place to even park our vehicle. 

At one part of the town, also nearby to the temple, we found few marriage halls but none were interested in renting for the over night stay alone. After searching for more than an hour on foot in scorching midday sun, we were unable to find any suitable place. Finally we went back to our usual place, opposite to the temple Main Gopuram, Sudarshan Kalyana Mandapam and confirmed our dates and paid the advance.

With that all necessary booking for our break & stay locations are completed. We will be calling these locations a week before our travel and also on day beforte our travel and reminding them on our arrival there.

After having a l.a.t.e lunch at Tiruchanur, we started our way back to Chennai. 

Wishing you all a Happy Padayatra.